Help for Search  -- Japan Drosophila Resources --

The data hit to all search term(Strain Number, Genotype/Gene symbol , Cytolocation , Species , CG No., Synonyms,Insertional Mutation, Phenotype, Keyword, Subcategory, Database) are shown.

[Strain Number]   [Genotype/Gene symbol/CG]   [Cytolocation]   [Species]   [Insertional Mutation]   [Phenotype]   [Keyword]   [Subcategory]   [Database]   [Result number shown in one page]   [Start page number]  
Search Item Information
Strain Number
  1. <Target> You can search for strain with "Strain Number" named by respective databases.

  2. <Method>

    The data are hit if Strain Number "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
    Output:  Strain#:100951, E-10059

    The data are hit if Strain Number "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:N100

    The data are hit if Strain Number "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:E-10025

    The data are hit if Strain Number "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:1050, 105050
Genotype/Gene symbol/CG No.
  1. <Target> You can search for strain with "Genotype or Related Gene symbol or CG No. or Synonyms".

  2. <Method>

    The data are hit if Genotype or Related Gene symbol or CG No. or Synonyms "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
    Output:  Strain#:101206、Genotype:w[1118] P{neoFRT}18A

    The data are hit if Genotype or Related Gene symbol or CG No. or Synonyms "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:101241、Genotype:y[1] fliI[8]

    The data are hit if Genotype or Related Gene symbol or CG No. or Synonyms "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:103099、Genotype:P{lArB}SW191, ry[506] / TM3, Sb[1] kni[ri*] p[p] e[s] (hit to Related Gene symbol CG9924)

    The data are hit if Genotype or Related Gene symbol or CG No. or Synonyms "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:101865、Genotype:y[1] ; CyO, Cy[1] dp[lv1] pr[1] cn[2] ; Dp(1;2)sc[8]
  1. <Target> You can search for strain with "Cytolocation".
    Select Search by Phrase/Range .

  2. <Method>

    • Search by phrase
      Input:Search by phrase
      You can choose following 4 methods.

      The data are hit if Cytolocation "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
      Output:  Strain#:101521、Cytolocation:29F 32E-F

      The data are hit if Cytolocation "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
      Output:  Strain#:101245、Cytolocation:54B4-6

      The data are hit if Cytolocation "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
      Output:  Strain#:105123、Cytolocation:4A2

      The data are hit if Cytolocation "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
      Output:  Strain#:102221、Cytolocation:46F5-46F6

    • Search by range
      Input:Search by range

      You can search with search term as "location" or as "range".

      The data are hit if "search location" is within "data range" or "data location" is within "search range" or "search range" overlaps "data range".

        Output:  Strain#:107391、Cytolocation:067F02-03
        Output:  Strain#:106147、Cytolocation:012A06-07 012D03
  1. <Target> You can search for strain with "Species".

  2. <Method>

    The data are hit if Species "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
    Output:  Strain#:100949, Species:D. melanogaster

    The data are hit if Species "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:k-aa101, Species:ananassae

    The data are hit if Species "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:E-10501, Species:D. simulans

    The data are hit if Species "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:900003, Species:Drosophila simulans, se[*] / +
  1. <Target> You can search for strain with "Species".

  2. <Method>

    The data are hit if Species "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
    Output:  Strain#:100949, Species:D. melanogaster

    The data are hit if Species "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:k-aa101, Species:ananassae

    The data are hit if Species "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:E-10501, Species:D. simulans

    The data are hit if Species "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:900003, Species:Drosophila simulans, se[*] / +
  1. <Target> You can search for strain with "Species".

  2. <Method>

    The data are hit if Species "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
    Output:  Strain#:100949, Species:D. melanogaster

    The data are hit if Species "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:k-aa101, Species:ananassae

    The data are hit if Species "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:E-10501, Species:D. simulans

    The data are hit if Species "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:900003, Species:Drosophila simulans, se[*] / +
  1. <Target> You can search for strain with "Species".

  2. <Method>

    The data are hit if Species "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
    Output:  Strain#:100949, Species:D. melanogaster

    The data are hit if Species "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:k-aa101, Species:ananassae

    The data are hit if Species "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:E-10501, Species:D. simulans

    The data are hit if Species "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:900003, Species:Drosophila simulans, se[*] / +
  1. <Target> You can search for strain with "Species".

  2. <Method>

    The data are hit if Species "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
    Output:  Strain#:100949, Species:D. melanogaster

    The data are hit if Species "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:k-aa101, Species:ananassae

    The data are hit if Species "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:E-10501, Species:D. simulans

    The data are hit if Species "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:900003, Species:Drosophila simulans, se[*] / +
  1. <Target> You can search for strain with "Species".

  2. <Method>

    The data are hit if Species "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
    Output:  Strain#:100949, Species:D. melanogaster

    The data are hit if Species "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:k-aa101, Species:ananassae

    The data are hit if Species "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:E-10501, Species:D. simulans

    The data are hit if Species "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:900003, Species:Drosophila simulans, se[*] / +
  1. <Target> You can search for strain with "Species".

  2. <Method>

    The data are hit if Species "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
    Output:  Strain#:100949, Species:D. melanogaster

    The data are hit if Species "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:k-aa101, Species:ananassae

    The data are hit if Species "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:E-10501, Species:D. simulans

    The data are hit if Species "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:900003, Species:Drosophila simulans, se[*] / +
  1. <Target> You can search for strain with "Species".

  2. <Method>

    The data are hit if Species "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
    Output:  Strain#:100949, Species:D. melanogaster

    The data are hit if Species "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:k-aa101, Species:ananassae

    The data are hit if Species "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:E-10501, Species:D. simulans

    The data are hit if Species "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
    Output:  Strain#:900003, Species:Drosophila simulans, se[*] / +
Insertional Mutation[RNAi only]
  1. <Target> You can search for strain with "Insertional Mutation".

  2. <Method>

    The data are hit if Insertional Mutation "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
      Output:  Strain#:11555R-1, Insertional Mutation:semi-lethal

    The data are hit if Insertional Mutation "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
      Output:  Strain#:11555R-1, Insertional Mutation:semi-lethal

    The data are hit if Insertional Mutation "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
      Output:  Strain#:11555R-1, Insertional Mutation:semi-lethal

    The data are hit if Insertional Mutation "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
      Output:  Strain#:11555R-1, Insertional Mutation:"semi-, lethal
Phenotype[RNAi only]
  1. <検索対象>

  2. <検索方法>

    The data are hit if Phenotype "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.
      Output:  Strain#:13088R-2, Phenotype:male=semi-lethal female=lethal

    The data are hit if Phenotype "begins" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
      Output:  Strain#:13088R-2, Phenotype:male=semi-lethal female=lethal

    The data are hit if Phenotype "equals" to search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
      Output:  Strain#:13088R-2, Phenotype:male=semi-lethal female=lethal

    The data are hit if Phenotype "ends" with search term. Only single word is acceptable. Multiple words separated by spaces are regarded as single word.
      Output:  Strain#:13088R-2, Phenotype:male=semi-lethal female=lethal
  1. <Target> You can search for strain by full-text searching. The data are hit if any data "contains" search term. Multiple words separated by spaces are acceptable.

  2. <Method>

    The data are hit if any data "contains" search term.
    Output:  Strain#:108023、Genotypew[*]; P{w[+mW.hs]=en2.4-GAL4}e22c P{w[+mC]=UAS-FLP1.D}JD1/CyO; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B ry[506]
  1. You can search for strain with its "Subcategory". If multiple Subcategory are checked, the data which belongs to one of Subcategory is targeted for searching.

  2. <Method>

    Basic Strains
    NP Lines
    GS Lines
    Protein Trap Lines

    The data which belongs to checked "Subcategory" are hit.
    Output:  Strain#:1009、Subcategory:NP LinesStrain#:110566、Subcategory:Protein Trap Lines
  1. You can search for strain with its "Database". If multiple Database are checked, The data which belongs to one of Database is targeted for searching

  2. <Method>

    DGRC (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
    NIG-Fly (National Insutitute of Genetics)
    EHIME-Fly (Ehime University)
    KYORIN-Fly (Kyorin University)

    All strain whichs belong to checked Database are hit.
    Output:  Strain#:E-10001, Database:Ehime; Strain#:N52, Database:DGR
Result number shown in one page
  1. You can select "Results shown in one page".

  2. <Method>

    Results of the selected number are shown in one page.
    Output:  1 - 25 / 1318 hit
Start page number
  1. You can specify the start page number of search result.

  2. <Method>

    The page specified is shown.
    Output:  Page: 5 / 14
